Bear Smart Manitou Springs
Manitou Springs gets a Bear Smart Ordinance!
The Manitou Springs “Bear Smart Ordinance” - SIMPLIFIED!
In September 2017 the Manitou Springs City Council passed an ordinance regarding waste disposal and wildlife. The ordinance was to be implemented on January 1, 2018, it is now the law. You can find the ordinance here:
It can seem fairly complicated but here are the essentials:
7.10.030 - Waste disposal.
Any owner, occupant or person utilizing collection bins which receive waste/recyclables or attractants on the premises shall utilize wildlife-resistant waste containers, or be securely stored within a house, garage or wildlife-resistant enclosure at all times.
Any owner, occupant or person with curbside pick-up shall place collection bins at the curb, alley or public right-of-way at or after 5:00 a.m. on the morning of scheduled pick-up. After pick-up, all collection bins shall be removed from the curb, alley or public right-of-way by 9:00 p.m. on the same day. -
Other household waste that cannot reasonably be considered an attractant as defined in this chapter, including, but not limited to, non-edible yard waste as defined in this chapter, cardboard, or household items, shall not require the use of wildlife-resistant waste containers when not commingled with waste/recyclables or any other attractant.
So, what does that mean for you?
Your trash must be “secured from wildlife” at ALL times except on the day of pick-up between the hours of 5 a.m. and 9 p.m.
“securely stored” does not necessarily mean you need to purchase a “bear proof” container! You may have several options:
Secure your trash in your garage, not accessible to wildlife, until day of pick-up.
Keep your trash in your house until day of pick-up (many people put their smelly trash in their freezer and freeze it until the day of pick up).
Keep your trash cans in a “wild-life resistant enclosure” - it must have four sides and a top. (If animals can still get in - it’s not “wild-life” proof!
You can purchase a “bear proof” container from Bestway - $271. They will deliver it to your home.
PLEASE make sure that this is a "Wildlife-resistant waste container" (which) “means a fully enclosed container of sturdy construction that meets the standards of testing by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) as bear resistant”You can purchase a “bear proof” container from a retailer such as Ace Hardware or a local lumber company.
Don’t waste your money on a container that is not certified!
PLEASE NOTE: This is a “complaint based” ordinance. The Manitou Springs code officer will not be looking to write ticket unless your trash is attracting wildlife!
Violators will receive a “Warning” ticket, followed by a $75 fine for non-compliance.
For more information go to (Municipal Code 7.10.030 - Waste Disposal)